
Welcome to My Easy Fit Life!

Hi, I am Uliana and it is so lovely to meet You!

My passion is to help busy women, moms, like myself, to get into the best shape of their lives, stay fit no matter what life brings on, look sexy, and feel amazing.

I am a business owner and mom of 3. So the life can be hectic sometimes for me (and for all of us).

After years of training (I used to be a professional athlete), and eventually stopping and settling into busy adult life with its responsibilities such as work and family, I was wondering how to make it work so I won’t lose myself and keep fit.

There was time in my life when I gained some extra weight, and did not feel great or full of energy. But eventually, I figured out how to get back in shape and stay that way, even after having 3 babies. Now I always feel energized and that helps me achieve and do more in my life. Such as work on my business and go out and play with kids more.

And I wanted to share my secrets and tips with you. So you can also transform yourself and be the best you can be!

I am here to help people like you create movement in your body, which has the ability to create  movement in your life. Because I believe the movement is life!

I am passionate about shifting the way we think about exercise, so it is not a punishment, but rather an opportunity to step into your power.

Furthermore, I want to see people like you living BIG lives, unafraid to go after your dreams while you are filled with happiness, love and abundance.

I believe being connected to your body is essential to achieving this. 


I believe that with passion, intention, belief, action we can DO, CREATE and ACHIEVE anything! 


What if you SIMPLY DEVOTED this year to loving yourself more, and DOING more?

What if you fell in love with the vision you have for your new body and life?

What if even when you were afraid or unsure to take that new step, you did IT anyway?

One of the best ways for you to start get moving is totally FREE, fun and it only takes a few minutes! Get this Energizing Morning Routine by submitting the form below.

Of course the BEST way to connect is through my weekly newsletter. I am always sharing FREE workouts, handouts, recipes and more that I don’t share anywhere else. You don’t want to miss a post. You can sign up by clicking on the button below.

I am SO looking forward to getting to know you! Let’s move!




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