Fit in 15

FIT in 15


Lose fat and look sexy, without living in the gym

Get More Results while Exercising Less. Build Better Habits.

How would your life be different if you lost that extra weight and got a toned fit body?

Imagine fitting into your favorite pair of jeans- or your favorite cocktail dress- for the first time in years.

Perhaps you are a busy professional woman, a busy boss lady, or a busy mom of 3 kids who resolves to:

  • Begin eating healthier
  • Start to exercise, cause you are not exercising at all (but you wish you did)
  • Find time to workout more, or make it to your exercise class as often as you do in your head
  • Always look good and actually see the results
  • Drop the final 10 lbs. you have been holding onto since college.

For every person that goes out there and makes resolutions like these come true, many more people are struggling to even get started.

So why don’t more people get the results they want?


Well, you have to know the RIGHT actions to take and the RIGHT resources to use to your advantage.


You also need to create the right habits so you will be taking these actions.


It also helps to have a plan so you don’t have to start from scratch each day.


I am here to teach you how do this and actually ENJOY the journey with less hustle and more flow (and more free time for you to spend on things you love).


Curious? READ ON…

There’s a really simple way to get in shape without struggle (that I wish I knew when I started…)

Perhaps you feel like you’ve tried “everything” out there but it still has not worked for you, and you’ve given up on the idea of ever getting fit.

Perhaps you feel like you have to pretend you hate swimming because the thought of yourself in a swim suit makes you die inside a little?

Perhaps after a long day you arrive home knowing that you should’ve stopped at the gym (and you promised yourself that morning you would finally go), but instead of exercising you crack open a bag of chips and spend two hours watching your favorite show on Netflix before collapsing into bed and getting another crappy night of sleep.

You may have even gotten results before, but they did not last. I know how it feels, I have been there.

Or maybe you see all the options of things you could do to lose weight that are thrown at you (like weight loss pills, body wraps, new diets, exercise DVD’s and so on) and you are so confused at which diet you should try or which fat burning cream to buy that you just don’t do anything at all.


But darling, thankfully there is a solution to this. There is an EASY to follow path that could take you from point A to point B.


There is a way to get in shape, lose weight and feel good about yourself.


And while yes, it requires consistent action and movement on your part, it does NOT have to feel forced or hard.


So STOP feeling like you need to go on a strict diet or spend hours in the gym to lose weight.

And learn the effective, practical system to getting in the best shape of your life and maintaining it no matter what life brings on!

Imagine… just weeks from now, how would it feel…

Being able to put on your favorite jeans without having to tuck that pudgy belly in?
Or being the envy of your friends cause you look so good?
Or never worrying about being judged by someone about your body?
Or being able to enjoy yourself when you look at the mirror?

To Make this happen YOU NEED a “system” that works.

After years of trying different things myself I found what really works and helps me stay fit, healthy and full of energy. Now I want to share this “system” with you. SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR AND WASTE YOUR VALUABLE TIME!


 Fit in 15: How to get in shape and stay fit, no matter what, in 15 minutes a day.

A 12-week workout program that will bring you RESULTS THAT LAST.

Even if you are busy and never seem to find time to exercise

Even if you have never exercised before

And even if you have negative past experiences with working out

All with Workout Plans and Progress Tracking Sheets so every week you know exactly what to do, what to measure, and if you’re going in the right direction. Plus, videos and detailed instructions of workouts so you can take Fit In 15 with you wherever you go.

Watch  this video to take a sneak peek inside of Fit in 15 workouts

Here’s exactly what you will get:

Option # 1: FIT in 15 Plus

Join Today & Get…

15 quick and insanely effective workout videos to GET IT DONE in 15 minutes a day including:

  • 15 Minute Ab Targeted Workout
  • 15 Minute Arm Shaper Workout
  • 15 Minute Cardio Strength Workout
  • 15 Minute Core Centered Workout
  • 15 Minute Dumbbell Workout
  • 15 Minute Easy Day Workout
  • 15 Minute Fat Burner Workout
  • 15 Minute Flat Belly Workout
  • 15 Minute Full Body Burner Workout
  • 15 Minute Full Body Stretch Workout
  • 15 Minute Full Body Swiss Ball Workout
  • 15 Minute High Intensity Workout
  • 15 Minute Kettlebell Workout
  • 15 Minute Leg Toner Workout
  • 15 Minute Push Yourself Challenge Workout

Also Pre-workout warm-up and Post-workout stretching routines.

Plus 3 bonus workout videos including:

  • 15 Minute Cardio Kick Workout
  • My Favorite Ab Workout #1
  • My Favorite Ab Workout #2

PDF Instructions for each workout so you can take them anywhere

Workout Schedule Sample, to show you how to structure your workouts

Progress Tracking Sheet, so you can track your progress as you go

And a 6 Week Meal Plan, that includes plenty of different recipes so you don’t have to stress out about what kind of healthy meals to make for dinner. And it will help you change your eating habits to healthy ones, which will make you feel better and have more energy.

EXTRA BONUS: Diastasis recti healing exercises (PDF). Note: if you have diastasis recti due to pregnancy or other condition I would recommend you to start with these core healing exercises FIRST and then move onto FIT in 15 program AFTER you strengthen your core. 

This is not a DVD program, it’s an online program. The benefit? You get to take it with you. Watch the videos on your Tablet, Smart Phone, or computer. Whether you’re at a hotel, or visiting your parents, the only thing you need to do to work out is log in. It won’t scratch like a DVD and won’t stop working.

You get LIFETIME access:

When you sign up at a gym, you get to go as long as you’re paying for it. But with Fit in 15 you have access forever. That means that should your routine be interrupted – maybe you’re moving, maybe you got super-busy with work and family issues – it won’t matter. You’ll simply start over where you last left off.

Join Now

All for 1 Payment of $110

(That’s $1.30 per day, if you divide it for 12 weeks)

Option # 2: FIT in 15 Basic

If you feel like you are already eating healthy and don’t need to change your eating habits…

Join Today & Get…

Everything in Fit in 15 Plus except:

6 Week Meal Plan, that includes plenty of different recipes to make healthy meals.

Join Now

All for 1 Payment of $94

(That’s $1.10 per day, if you divide it for 12 weeks)

But This Isn’t For Everyone

Fit in 15 is not for you if you…

  • Are looking for a magic bullet, and hoping to get quick results overnight
  • Don’t want to work hard to improve your body and health
  • Are not going to follow the program


Fit in 15 is perfect if you:

  • Are a busy working professional woman or busy mom who wants to look good and feel sexy
  • Struggle to find time to fit in exercise in your life
  • Understand that weight loss and getting in shape is a process and willing to put in the work


  • I’m Uliana. I am a former professional athlete, turned into lifeguard, turned into chiropractic assistant, turned into entrepreneur (own cleaning and landscaping business), turned into busy mom of 3. That’s a lot of turns!
  • Like many, I struggled to find the perfect balance between work and busy life and getting the time to exercise. I knew I wanted to stay fit and look good even after having kids.
  • I tried a lot of different things and tactics to balance my crazy, busy life and not to lose myself and still find time to exercise. So I came up with a plan that would get me in the shape I wanted and, a plan that lets me maintain my ideal body no matter what life brings on. And it worked.
  • So I decided to share it with other working women and busy moms to help them always look good and feel their best. And I put my pen to paper, grabbed the camera to film my workouts that I use to stay in shape, and Fit in 15 was born.

I gathered a group of busy women and put the program to the test. The answer? It worked! Some people lost weight, others lost inches, others got stronger and fitter, most felt more energetic. But what was really interesting was that the benefits went beyond having a leaner, fitter body: People got happy. They actually liked to exercise. They felt satisfied with themselves because they were actually taking care of their bodies and no longer postponing it.

  • +Results vary depending on starting point, goals, and effort.

I believe the only thing standing between you and the results you want is time. That is why I created Fit in 15. So now you can get an hours worth of results in 15 minutes!


WARNING:The Cost of Not Doing this Program

You may be looking at this program right now and wondering  whether you should invest the money.

Unfortunately, this type of thinking is only looking at the cost of TAKING action.

What about the cost of NOT taking action? What is not taking action costing you on a monthly basis right now?

How much will you spend on countless weight loss products, and diets that don’t work, trying to find that magic pill?

To get real results, you must take actions.

Don’t waste your health, time, and money by letting this go. ACT NOW!


Here is what women who tried this Program are saying:

“…instead of getting stuck with “should I go for a run? Or should I go to a yoga class? Or should I go lift weights?” and not doing anything because of indecision, I would just go right in and follow Fit in 15” – Kathy

“I was tired at the end of the workouts but they were doable, and I actually had a thrill and more energy when I was finished. And all in just 15 minutes!” – Brenda

“Now whenever I hear someone says they did an hour long workout, I am like: “you’re crazy, you only need 15 minutes!”- Marie

“What I really liked about the workouts is that each of them is different, has a lot of different exercises and they are not boring, but actually fun and challenging” – Stephanie

“as a working mom of two kids under 3, I often was unable to find 45-120 minutes to squeeze in a workout. Enter Fit in 15, I mean it’s 15 minutes…even I don’t have an excuse for 15 minutes. I followed the program, meaning I completed them as ordered on the calendar provided. But because of “life”, sometimes I had to skip a day or two in the middle of the week… I already ate pretty healthy, and I am  happy with the results and I’m motivated to continue.”- Tia

“I bought this workout program because I needed something that was shorter in time because I get really busy at work. I am very pleased with this purchase. I was able to lose weight and get back into shape and being that it is only 15 minutes (there is an additional few  minutes of warm up before and stretching after the workout videos that is recommended to do) it was great for me. It comes with a nice eating guide and it includes recipes of foods that you can make. That will help you get into shape faster because getting into shape is also about eating right as well as exercising.” – Melissa

“Results take work but will come: I Love Fit in 15!!!!… it is hard, but not so hard I cannot do it! i see and feel results but also want to make it clear I eat very well and count calories… you cannot get fit if you eat bad. I highly recommend this program… two friends have bought it and also love it.” – Jessica

I take guarantees very seriously…

So you have 30 days to try the ENTIRE program.

If at ANY TIME in the next 30 days you feel this program  is not for you, and you did not get any results,—send me a quick email and I’ll refund every penny right away. I will even eat all the credit-card processing fees. But you have to show me you did the work, and followed the program.


If you’re NOT serious about your health and think there’s a good possibility you’ll want your money back, then I respectfully suggest you not enroll today.

The guarantee is here to make sure you’re FULLY protected.

This workout program along with my 6 Week meal plan worked for many women and I am confident and certain if you follow it this will work for you as well. And that’s what my guarantee is for.

All you have to do is follow the Fit in 15 Program which has been proven by dozens and dozens of people to bring results, change their bodies and improve their health.

The choice is yours. Do you truly want this? And when?

Don’t be one of those people who vows to lose weight and get fit next year- every single year. Stop dreaming and start doing. Join Fit in 15  and give yourself the gift of success.

Option # 1: FIT in 15 Plus

Join Now

All for 1 Payment of $110

(That’s $1.30 per day, if you divide it for 12 weeks)

Option # 2: FIT in 15 Basic

Join Now

All for 1 Payment of $94

(That’s $1.10 per day, if you divide it for 12 weeks)

And My ‘Realistic’ Promise

I am not promising you overnight results. As losing weight, getting fit, creating healthy habits that last is not like instant coffee. This is a process, and it takes time, as un-sexy as that sounds.

But what I DO know is if you commit at least 15 minutes a day at least 3 times a week, follow through on the workouts, and build your new healthy eating habits you’ll see the ‘Butterfly Effect’ in action: where just 1 small thing that you do, yields HUGE results.

Most students increase their fitness by at least 50% by the end of the program

Those stairs that seemed like a challenge? You’ll likely stop feeling like that. Getting exhausted running after your kids? You’ll see who’ll get exhausted first after getting used to Fit in 15! Feeling worn out by the end of the day? Not when you feel proud for getting one more workout under your belt! Yay you!

Note: individual results will vary based on the starting condition, effort, and dedication to this workout series.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can’t I just watch free YouTube Videos?

We live in the information age. You can absolutely find plenty of workout videos on your own. But, if you are reading this, why haven’t you already gotten the results you want? Most likely it is because you can’t stick with doing those random workout videos consistently. And it’s hard to find the right workout. And time consuming. And frustrating. You need a system of effective workouts that will give you results. And that is what I provide in Fit in 15: a workout system that makes it hard for you not to take that action of working out consistently, because you can do it in just 15 minutes a day.

  • What if I don’t have additional time or energy to exercise?

That’s why this program exists! Nobody has the time anymore, and the whole point of this program is to help you squeeze workouts in your busy schedule, so you can be more active, focused, and engaged with your work. And spend your free time on the things and people you love. Following Fit in 15 will yield 3x the time and energy in return. Which means that you will actually gain time in your day.

  • What if something happens and I won’t be able to follow the program consistently?

Don’t sweat! (Well, not literately, because my workouts will make you sweat) You have lifetime access to this program. So if you have an emergency, facing important deadline at work, moving to the new place, giving birth, or whatever, you can resume the workout program again and do exercises at your own pace. But I do recommend that you stay as consistent with it as possible to get in shape and keep the results.

  • How do I know if this course is right for me?

This course was made for you if you want to become more active, fit, and look good. This course is right for you if you are willing to stay consistent and follow this system that helps you develop long-term healthy habits. This course is the right fit if you are willing to put in the hard work to improve your health and fitness.

This course is not right for you if you’re looking for the next “quick fix” or “magic pill” to lose a little weight overnight. This course is not right for you if you aren’t willing to try new things, push yourself and step outside of your comfort zone.

  • Will this program work for men too, or just women?

This course was made for busy women, and moms. But men can benefit just as much from the workouts in this program (some of the workouts are challenging as you want to work really hard since the workouts are only 15 minutes long) In fact, when my husband tried one of my Fit in 15 workouts for the first time he could not keep up with me. So it is definitely intense and for those men who are sedentary for 6 hours a day or more at work, and also can’t find time to go to the gym or don’t have energy to workout this Fit in 15 Program can be very beneficial in improving their fitness level and stamina as well. Don’t be shy, everyone is welcome!

  • Do I have to work out every day?

You can get results by exercising 3 times a week. But the more often you exercise the faster your results will be. I do recommend to workout 4-5 days (since the workouts are short you should be able to find time for them) and I will be attaching my sample workout schedule. But you can make your own schedule out of my workouts and take days off as necessary. As long as you are consistent with your workouts you will be fine. (Like don’t workout every day of one week and totally skip the next). You get out of this program what you put into it. If you have never exercised before I recommend to start at least 3 days a week and then once you’ve started building new exercise habits into your daily routine, you can add more days into your week.

  • Do I have to already be in shape to take this course?

No you don’t have to be in shape to join Fit in 15. Even though some workouts are challenging, there are modifications you can use for each exercise, or take a break as necessary. You can start at your current level, even if you can not do all the exercises at first, or last for the whole 15 minutes. Through my videos I encourage you to push through and don’t give up. Because I believe as you practice, each time you will get better and stronger. I included Progress Tracking Sheet so you can see how much stronger you get each month.

  • I already exercise regularly. Why would I need this program?

If you exercise regularly (especially doing an hour long workouts) and don’t see the results you like, then you must be doing the wrong type of exercise. In my Fit in 15 program I collected efficient workouts that are based on high intensity training so you can get better results while exercising less. Science has proven that this type of intense exercise is more effective than moderate exercise for a longer time.

  • Are updates included, and does this program expire?

Once you purchase this program the content is yours. For Life. Whenever new material is added or updated you will receive it for free. For Life. So I encourage you to join the course now, as I most likely will be making updates to this course in the future but will raise the price as well.

  • If you have any additional questions, please send your inquiry to



I have spent years trying to figure out how to stay fit and healthy despite the long working hours and busy family life. I am 100% confident that this workout system will change the way you think about exercise and help you have more energy, time, better body, and improved health.

I invite you to try “Fit in 15” for a FULL 30 DAYS, 100% RISK FREE

  • I am so confident that you will get your money’s worth that you can try the entire course for a full 30 days, and if you feel like you did not get any results, I will refund you all your money. I will even eat the credit-card processing fees. All you have to do is send me an e-mail and let me know you’d like a refund.
  • But here’s the deal –You have to show me you did the work. I’m not looking for “tire kickers.” I have no interest in offering this program to those who just want to “window shop.” So I’m going to assume you’re serious about putting 100% of your effort into this program. And going to work hard. And if within 30 days you feel that the program is not for you, just email me and you get 100% of your purchase price refunded to you. It’s that simple.
  • Just don’t be “that person” who buys the program, doesn’t log in for 3 weeks, then tries the workouts for a few days and figures she deserves a refund. Just don’t buy it if you are not planning to use it and follow the program as intended.


There’s no reason not to join NOW with my 30 DAY GUARANTEE

  • If you’ve read this far, the chances are very good you know this program was designed for you…and you need it. I would’ve given anything to have a program like this available to me years ago when I had just started my journey in figuring out how to always be fit, look good and feel sexy no matter what life brings on. It would have saved me lots of time and frustration with my trial-and-error journey to figure out what really works.
  • Now it is here, ready for you.
  • You won’t magically change your life overnight, but if you work hard you should see some results within 30 days. I promise that if you follow this program you will acquire healthy habits of exercising that you can continue well beyond the 12 weeks of this program. You can mix and modify my workouts and keep doing them for years to come. So you can improve your fitness level significantly and maintain your new beautiful body with only 15 minutes a day!

Let’s do this!

Be well,

Uliana Cheshier
Creator, Fit in 15

weight loss, pregnancy fitness, nutrition, fat loss, fit mom





P.S. Don’t forget, you have 30 days to try this program 100% RISK FREE. If this course doesn’t help you get better results, increase your energy and save you time by working out less, send me one quick e-mail and I’ll refund your money on the spot.

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